Your submissions for Hindi Cryptic Crossword 2 have been studied and sorted, and it's now time to reveal the solution and announce the winner.
The Solution
क्रमांक | संकेत | उत्तर | टिप्पणी |
1 | ख़ुशी से भरपूर होने के लिए ज़रा मज़े के साथ आराम करना, बिना सर लगाए (3) | मस्ताना | Definition: ख़ुशी से भरपूर. Wordplay: म (from मज़े) + [सु]स्ताना (आराम करना, without its head) |
3 | नज़दीक लाने के लिए १३वीं मे इस का उपयोग करो (2) | पास | D&CD: नज़दीक, and a reference to bus pass. |
4 | मोहब्बत पाना है तो छोटा प्याला लो और रोना शुरू करो (2) | प्यार | Definition: मोहब्बत. Wordplay: प्या (shortened प्याला) + र (start of रोना) |
5 | सलमा की बनायी हुयी समस्या (3) | मसला | Definition: समस्या. Wordplay: (सलमा)* |
7 | इसे सुनो! ट्रक के पीछे ये दो (3) | आवाज़ | D&CD: इसे सुनो, and reference to "आवाज़ दो", popular slogan seen on the backside of trucks. |
8 | तमिल नाडु के सब से दक्षिणी शहर की लड़की (2) | कन्या | Definition: लड़की, from Kanyakumari |
9 | हाथी घूमे दुनिया (2) | गज | Definition: हाथी. Wordplay: जग (दुनिया) reversed |
11 | बुज़ुर्ग रिश्तेदार? नहीं, नहीं, नहीं! पहले नींद आ रही है (2,2) | नाना नानी | Definition: बुज़ुर्ग रिश्तेदार. Wordplay: Thrice ना + first letter of नींद |
13 | इश्क लड़ाने का समय आज नहीं - एक दिन पहले, या एक दिन बाद (2) | कल | Definition: समय आज नहीं - एक दिन पहले, या एक दिन बाद. Wordplay: hidden in "इश्क लड़ाने" |
15 | रास मे डूबा हुआ क्षत्रियों का सरताज हैवान बन जाता है (3) | राक्षस | Definition: हैवान. Wordplay: क्ष (first letter of क्षत्रियों) in रास |
16,19 | हम दोनों का, मगर अलग-अलग (2,2) | तेरा मेरा | CD |
18 | इतने ज़्यादा की आप हिसाब नहीं लगा पायेंगे (5) | अनगिनत | E |
21 | काश, बाबूजी न छुपाते अपना यौवन (3) | शबाब | Definition: यौवन. Wordplay: hidden in "काश, बाबूजी न" |
22 | जर्मनी में खो गया दिल (2) | मन | Definition: दिल. Wordplay: Hidden in जर्मनी |
23 | बर्बाद शौहर ने खाया एक फल (4) | नाशपाती | Definition: फल. Wordplay: नाश (बर्बाद) + पति (शौहर), around I (एक) |
25 | ठाकरे का लड़का (2) | बाल | DD; Definition 1 - reference to बाल ठाकरे, Definition 2 = boy. |
26 | शाम ढली, अब इसे जलाने का वक़्त है (2) | शमा | Definition: the whole clue. Wordplay: (शाम)*, with ढली = moulded in the cryptic reading. |
28 | विलायती वाहन के सामने आ, और देख सूरत (3) | आकार | Definition: सूरत. Wordplay: आ in front of कार (विलायती वाहन) |
29 | मास्टरशेफ़ के न्यायाधीश की अभिवृद्धि (3) | विकास | DD; Definition 1- reference to Vikas Khanna, Masterchef India judge. |
31 | नेहरू (पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री) का चेहरा (2) | रूप | Definition: चेहरा. Wordplay: Hidden in "नेहरू (पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री" |
32 | घोड़ा अश्विन के क़ब्ज़े में है (2) | अश्व | Definition: घोड़ा. Wordplay: Hidden in अश्विन |
33 | शुरू-शुरू में दीपक वाणी के पीछे नहीं था पागल (3) | दीवाना | Definition: पागल. Wordplay: दी,वा (starting letters of दीपक, वाणी) + ना (नहीं) |
नीचे की ओर
क्रमांक | संकेत | उत्तर | टिप्पणी |
1 | चुटकुला जिसे थोड़ा पहले ही रोकने से आनंद मिलता है (3) | मज़ाक | Definition: चुटकुला. The word मज़ाक, when cut short, gives मज़ा (आनंद) |
2 | आप के परिचय का शब्द, ज़रा ना मत कहिये (2) | नाम | Definition: आप के परिचय का शब्द. Wordplay: Hidden in "ना मत कहिये" |
3 | शेरपा लालटेन लाया तो भीतर ठंडी मिली (2) | पाला | Definition: ठंडी. Wordplay: found inside "शेरपा लालटेन लाया" |
4 | वक़्त रोते-रोते काटना पड़ेगा अगर आप काटेंगे इसे (2) | प्याज़ | CD |
6 | प्रियतमा के लिए श्रृंगार करना (3) | सजना | DD |
7 | कब लेना है मेरे दिल की सलामी? जब पाना है क्या, खोना है क्या (2,1,2) | आज की रात | DD; Definitions from songs: 1 from this one, 2 from this one. |
10 | समाधान जो खेती में उपयोग किया जा सकता है (2) | हल | DD |
12 | सेब का ये करना, शायद विज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण सिद्धांत की प्रेरणा? (2,3) | नीचे गिरना | CD; reference to this incident |
13 | वादे के जोड़ीदार। … सच्ची ! (3) | कसमे | DD; from "कसमे-वादे" and the colloquial interjection kasme. |
14 | शादी के पहले छुपाई जाने वाली चीज़ें (2) | जूते | CD; Reference to the shoe-hiding tradition in weddings. |
17 | राकेश यान में, हर दूसरा खोने के बाद, पाता है घर का सामान (3) | राशन | Definition: घर का सामान. Wordplay: drop alternate letters of "राकेश यान" |
18 | इस समय यह चुनावी नारे में कहा गया (2,1,2) | अब की बार | DD; "इस समय" and the slogan from the recent elections. |
20 | छोटा गांधी और छोटा ग्रह (2) | राहु | Definition: ग्रह. Wordplay: RAHUL (छोटा गांधी) made shorter to give RAHU. |
22 | शराबखाने में वो मिले जिसका नाम मीठा है (2) | मधु | Definition: जिसका नाम मीठा है. Wordplay: found in मधुशाला |
24 | पुरानी भाषा का प्रयोग होता है नगर-प्रशासन में (3) | पालिका | Definition: … का प्रयोग होता है नगर-प्रशासन में . Wordplay: पालि (पुरानी भाषा) + का |
27 | जान लेना है क्या? मत पीटो (3) | मारना | Definition: जान लेना. Wordplay: मार + ना |
28 | शराफ़त से तुम पाप की शुरुआत नहीं करो (2) | आप | Definition: शराफ़त से तुम. Wordplay: पाप without its start |
29 | दुनिया से भरोसे की आस चली गयी (2) | विश्व | Definition: दुनिया. Wordplay: विश्वास - आस |
30 | दस दीदियों के बीच दसगुणा सालों का समूह? (2) | सदी | Definition: दस के दसगुणा सालों का समूह. Wordplay: Hidden in "दस दीदियों" |
Your Answers, and The Winner
The general feedback is that this one was harder than the first Hindi crossword. 11A and 20D received praise. Many of you didn't get 1A, which goes to show that a cryptic clue with a large deletion component can be as elusive in Hindi as in English. It is also striking that, though आज की रात from Don (2006) ranks much higher in online search, solvers who sent in their entries wrote only of the Ram Or Shyam (1967) song.
Special mention for the solver who gave Hindi equivalent names to clue types. So CD is गुप्त परिभाषा, a hidden answer is दूरदर्शी निर्मित. Readers: Can you think of translations for the other clue types? Share them in the comments.
I hope that, even if you abandoned the puzzle mid-way, you enjoyed what you did solve!
Congrats to all of you who cracked (or almost cracked) the full puzzle:
Deepak Gopinath | Laxman Rao |
Mohsin Ahmed | N Rengaswamy |
Vasant Srinivasan | Vinayak Rao Ekbote |
Of the above, three 100% correct entries went in for the lucky draw:
Mohsin Ahmed
Vasant Srinivasan
Vinayak Rao Ekbote
We used a "3 Aces Algorithm" (so named as we have 3 winners, all aces) for the lucky draw. The video of the draw is below. [RSS/email subscribers: You may have to go to the blog for the video.]
The lucky winner among the three aces is Vasant Srinivasan. Congrats, Vasant! Please write to me to claim your prize.
Thanks to everyone for taking part. I hope it was fun for you - it definitely was for me!
Related Posts:
- Contest: Solve Three Clues and Win a Gift Voucher
- Contest: Participate and Win Afrit's Book
- Contest: Hindi Cryptic Crossword
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Congrats Vasant !
Will send you a screenshot of the grid . I enjoyed solving the CW , but could not complete it :(
Congratulations to the winner Vasant Srinivasan.
Thank You Shuchi for the Hindi Puzzle.
It gave me an opportunity to test my knowledge of Hindi which i have learnt because of Hindi films. In fact most of the answers are easy, if one follows Hindi cinema for example: Words like मस्ताना,प्यार, मसला ,आवाज़, तेरा मेरा, शबाब, शमा, दीवाना, मज़ाक, नाम, सजना (In this case the clue was a direct indication to the song from Amitabh Bachchan's Saudagar) आज की रात,कसमे are kind of words most heard in Hindi Cinema.
I didn't even know the existence of that DON song till today when you mentioned it here.I am born well after 1967 when Ram aur Shyam was released and I had mentioned this song in my answers.
Congratulations, Vasant!
Shuchi & Kishore, thanks for a wonderful puzzle. I enjoyed solving it.
Congratulations to Vasant !
@Laxman: You are quite correct to notice words and phrases which are commonly used in Hindi films. You are just one step away from discovering the theme of the puzzle ...
Congratulations Vasant
@ Kishore, are these words part of first couple of lines of songs, Like Roop Tera Mastana Pyar mera diwana or Kasme vaade pyaar vafa sab batein hain, or jute lo paise do, Aaj ki raat.
Yes and No, Laxman. They happen to be first words of a few songs, but they were intended to be words belonging to the 'romantic' genre of movies.
One of those songs, however, is fitted near the edge of the grid. A song which many people rate as the most romantic song in Hindi films
Watch it at:
@ Kishore
Yes. Kishore Kumar' voice and Rajesh Khanna's looks created magic.
Which are the songs that have the words Asva, Visva, Palika, Nashpati.
@ Shuchi I think 27D answer needs correction
Hearty Congrats to Vasant on winning and Mohsin Ahmed and Vinayak Rao on completing the puzzle.
Thanks for the wishes. A big thanks to Kishore and Shuchi. Had a great time solving the puzzle and sharing it with friends and colleagues. I am presently living in Renukoot, UP, heart of hindi hinterland and explaining english cryptic clues used to be met with a lukewarm response but when I explained "Rahu" or "aaj ki raat" it was warmly appreciated.
@Laxman, re 27d, the grid requires correction, while the answer given below "maar- na" is correct
@Laxman: Well spotted. Grid changed.
@Lakshmi: Saw your grid - you were almost there!
@Laxman: Each word in the puzzle was not themed, but your question reminded me of "Vijayi vishwa tiranga pyara". There must be songs in mythological or historical films using "ashwa". Though I am hard put to think of one with "nashpati" in it :-)
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