| WITHOUT - a word with many cryptic possibilities. |
Deletion Indicator: "without" is most commonly used in deletion clues. 'A without B' = A – B.
Times 24537: Force of men without one unpleasant emotion (11) MALEVOLENCE
MALE VIOLENCE (force of men) - I (one) -
Containment Indicator: "without" also means "on the outside", so 'A without B' can imply A contains B.
HT 22615: Where one learned to adjust without mother (4,5) ALMA MATER
ALTER (adjust) around MAMA (mother) -
Abbreviation WO: "without" in the clue can lead to its standard abbreviation WO (w/o) in the answer.
Times 24542: State backing without Virginia (4) AVOW
WO (without) VA (Virginia), all reversed -
Wordplay for an Opposite Word: "without" can turn around the meaning of the adjacent noun to produce an adjective, as in "without sin" = GOOD or "without hunger" = FED.
Guardian 25048 (Chifonie): Managed, without issue, to be dressed in flag to become known (9) TRANSPIRE
RAN (managed) SP (sine prole i.e. without issue) in TIRE (flag) -
Part Of The Definition: "without" can be a part of the definition.
HT 22628: Fair? I approve, without further ado (4,4,4) JUST LIKE THAT
JUST (fair) LIKE THAT (I approve)
Solve These
The clues below use "without" in different ways. Can you solve them?
Times 24472: Whale film casting unknown for ability to act without direction (4,4) F _ _ _ / _ _ _ _
FT 13161 (Alberich): Without a shot youth at crease’s last out (4,3,6) S _ A _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ R _ _
FT 13133 (Dante) : Rebel without a cause (5) R _ _ _ _
FT 13051 (Cinephile): Affect one another without reduction, without hesitation (8) I _ _ _ R _ _ T
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24472 - FREE WILLY
Times 24472: Whale film casting unknown for ability to act without direction (4,4) F _ _ _ / _ _ _ _
Ans : Release the Bard
FT 13161 (Alberich): Without a shot youth at crease’s last out (4,3,6) S _ A _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ R _ _
Ans : I will try to keep to what is on the menu.
FT 13133 (Dante) : Rebel without a cause (5) R _ _ _ _
Ans : Can i have more pay?
FT 13051 (Cinephile): Affect one another without reduction, without hesitation (8) I _ _ _ R _ _ T
Ans : Bury the play?
Just trying not to give the game away, so that others can enjoying solving them as well.
Thanks for sharing the clues. I look forward to them and they always brighten my day.
Hi Khian
A novel way of posting the answers! Glad you like the clues, thank you.
13501 - INTERACT
INTACT (without reduction)
without hesitation (around ER)
INTERACT - Affect one another
Nice clue
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