Sunday, 17 July 2011

Clues for Potterphiles

harry-potter A selection of clues that refer to Rowling's magical world. Crack them, crossword wizards.

Times 24823: Spooner’s composer, more popular as subject of film? (5,6)

FT13209 (Alberich): For a spell, he can be relied on to pester one at the wheel! (5,6)

Guardian 25106 (Araucaria): Fictitious prison where king has a veto on extremes (7)

Guardian 25076 (Araucaria): Pass up Harry Potter coin for extra security (7) L_____T

Guardian 25123 (Mudd): No wizards should get face and legs jumbled up (7)

No HP knowledge required for solving these (edited on 3-Mar-2019):

Sunday Times 4359: Herb Draco Malfoy initially scattered round a muggle's head (8)

Times 27285: Potter stars rush around, keeping track (10) N_____Y__N

I got to know a day late that the Independent had a Potter-themed crossword on July 15. Archives aren't available so we can't see the crossword any longer – from the answers it looks like this would have been fun for Potter fans.

Try another themed crossword from the Guardian archives – Guardian 24043, by Paul.

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  1. Spooner’s composer, more popular as subject of film? (5,6)HARRY POTTER ({Parry} {Hotter})

    For a spell, he can be relied on to pester one at the wheel! (5,6) {HARRY} {POTTER}

    Fictitious prison where king has a veto on extremes (7){AZ}{K}{A}{BAN}

    Pass up Harry Potter coin for extra security (7) {LOC<}{KNUT}

    No wizards should get face and legs jumbled up (7){MUG}{GLES*}

    Herb Draco Malfoy initially scattered round a muggle's head (8){CARD{A}{M}O*}{M} / {CARD{A}{M}OM*}

  2. HARRY POTTER (PARRY (composer) HOTTER (more popular))

    ????? MASTER (captain, one at the wheel)

    A(bc... xy)Z (K) A BAN

    LOC<- KNUT


    CARD(A Muggles)O M*

    (Hewlett Packard notwithstanding)

  3. FT13209 (Alberich): For a spell, he can be relied on to pester one at the wheel! (5,6) Pester=HARRY, one at the wheel=POTTER

    Guardian 25106 (Araucaria): Fictitious prison where king has a veto on extremes (7) K A BAN on AZ

    Guardian 25123 (Mudd): No wizards should get face and legs jumbled up (7) Face=MUG, GLES*

    Sunday Times 4359: Herb Draco Malfoy initially scattered round a muggle's head (8) Card(A M)om

  4. Here are some more :-

    Sorceress to do away with fantastic half-giant (6)

    Mordor let old criminal go after very different villain (4,9)

    Bad guy from Harry Potter or LOTR moved out (9)

    Rowling's character rendered new layers, love introduced (3,7)

  5. Spooner’s composer, more popular as subject of film? (5,6)
    For a spell, he can be relied on to pester one at the wheel! (5,6)
    Fictitious prison where king has a veto on extremes (7)
    Guardian 25076 (Araucaria): Pass up Harry Potter coin for extra security (7)

  6. @SandhyaP: Well done! Is there any clue you cannot solve :)

    @Kishore: The wheel = potter's wheel! Do you read Harry Potter, or is Knut common knowledge?

  7. @Vinod: Lovely clues as usual. The third is brilliant.

    @S.Vini: Well solved! Just the third needs a change. It is
    K (king) A BAN (veto), after A...Z (extremes)

  8. Re; VR's clues:


    @Shuchi: Well, I think the above answers answer your question. Yes, I have read HP as also Barry Trotter (a spoof on HP) and Terry Pratchett's Sourcery (from the Discworld series)

  9. A HP clue from Anax's forum:

    Filch, Fudge or Lupin (7)

    Incidentally, this won the competition that week.

  10. That is such a neat clue, Veer. Thanks for sharing it.

  11. Thanks, Veer, for the PURLOINed clue! Again, this one does not require domain info.
