Thursday, 7 July 2011

Lock Shock

shock-lock2Other than the end rhyme, what is common to the words "lock" and "shock"?

Both can refer to hair - a lock is a ringlet of hair, shock is a bushy mass of hair.

Some clues that use this meaning of the words:

Guardian 24958 (Rufus): Emphasise need for second lock (6) STRESS
S (second) TRESS (lock)

Guardian 24806 (Chifonie): Charlie gets a shock from this — fatally so (5) CHAIR
C (Charlie) HAIR (shock) semi-&lit

Solve These

Times 24888: Locks securing books, nothing worth listening to (3,3)

Guardian 25098 (Puck): Soldiers entertained by Spice Girl? Ring doctor — one may go into shock (5,4) M____ _O__

FT 13161 (Alberich): Ostentation and fuss associated with primitive form of shock treatment (9) _O______R

Guardian 24369 (Pasquale): Sort of time when one may have an awful shock? (3,4,3)

FT 13683 (Jason): Attendant with the very best lock (8)

Independent 7023 (Monk): They're designed to cause shock waves (8) _R_M____

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  1. The reverse of 'tressed' is 'dessert' which I used for a clue for the New Statesman Christmas 2010 puzzle.....'A fool, perhaps, to get locked up' It was a 'down' clue.

  2. That's a very clever clue. Thanks otterden.

  3. (With newbie apologies for my annotation.)

    Locks securing books, nothing worth listening to (3,3) Hot air H(OT) AIR

    Ostentation and fuss associated with primitive form of shock treatment (9) pompadour POMP+ADO+UR

    Sort of time when one may have an awful shock? (3,4,3) Bad hair day (CD)

  4. Attendant with the very best lock (8) Waitress (W+AI+TRESS)

  5. (This is where we bump up against the limits of my hair knowledge). Presumably, though, They're designed to cause shock waves (8) is "crimpers" (CD)

  6. H(Old Testament),AIR
    ME(TA)L C O MB (Mel C in contrast with Mel B)
    W(ith) AI TRESS

    Thanks for a dis-tressing and shocking time, I pulled my hair out over No.4

  7. Finally got the last one too.

    Soldiers entertained by Spice Girl? Ring doctor — one may go into shock (5,4) METAL COMB (TA in Mel C +O+MB)

    Again apologies for ropey deconstruction.

  8. Welcome here, Crucifer. Your annotations are clear enough :) Congrats for getting all the answers.

    @Kishore: And here I thought #4 was the easiest! Well done on the others.

  9. Thanks. Still very much an amateur but enjoying trying my hand at compiling for a UK food and drink magazine (hence the pseudonym).

    Great to find a forum that gets under the skin of cryptic clues. There was a regular column in the Times (of London) a few years back but sadly it died a death. Look forward to checking back here regularly instead.

  10. I being more of a number guy than a wordsmith, was looking for 'time' as in one/two/six/ten past ten/six/two/one and hence went traipsing down the wrong path.
