Monday, 8 August 2011

Three Years of Crossword Unclued

crossword-unclued-three Three years have passed since Crossword Unclued was launched. When I began blogging with this post in 2008 I hadn't imagined what an adventure this was going to be. Solving crosswords, a solitary joy once, has evolved into something shared with the world.

Thanks to all my wonderful readers who keep me going. Thanks for suggesting topics to blog about, sending in interesting clues, reading, commenting and spreading the word about the blog. In this year, the blog's traffic from reddit and stumbleupon has increased substantially with Tackling Cryptic Crosswords: A 7-Step Guide and the New York Times Election Day Crossword bringing in the most visitors.

There are close to 300 articles on the blog now and I've fine-tuned how they are organised for easy navigation. Site Archive lists all articles grouped month-wise on a single page. All interviews of crossword personalities are linked from the new Interviews page.

A recap of posts published in the last year around which the most interesting activities took place.

Most Retweets & Comments: Contest: Participate and Win a Goodie! 
Most Facebook Shares: Interview with Tony Sebastian with a whopping 173 Facebook share count, a testament to Tony's popularity on social media.
Most Bookmarked: Fascinating Facts about Setters' Pseudonyms
Most Visits in a Single Day: Interview with Nitaa Jaggi

My personal favourite posts written this year are Double-Edged Indicators, Do you make these mistakes when writing clues?, The Game of Bridge, Semi-&Lit Clues – do check them out if haven't yet.

Special thanks to my top referrers:

On twitter: @amrith10, @ya_sree, @diogeneb, @UnnamedEntity, @sancryptic
Websites: THCC, Big Dave's Blog, fifteensquared, DA Trippers

Stay Connected

Don't miss a single post – get Crossword Unclued updates via RSS or enter your email address below to receive new new articles directly in your inbox.

I also share links to new posts on Crossword Unclued's page and on , plus more stuff such as clues to solve. Follow me there, or stay connected via NetworkedBlogs.

Thanks a lot for your support!

Past Birthdays:


  1. Great going Shuchi ! Benefited a lot from your posts. More power to you.

  2. Happy birthday. I'm a recent arrival here but already a regular. Keep it up!

  3. All the best, Shuchi. I am sure you will be able to carry on the good work for many more years.

  4. Hearty congratulations on Third Birthday of Crossword Unclued. I have been reading the articles on crosswords which are highly informative. All this wisdom gained over these years may please be published in a book form so that it will be useful for the future enthusiasts.Let this intellectual game survive for the coming generations.
    Wish you all the best.

  5. Thank you very much everyone.

  6. Congrats. I have been benefitted a lot by reading the blog. Special mention to be made for interviews of setters.

    Keep up ur good work shuchi
