Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Spell Out The Answer

Processed by: Helicon Filter; Have fun with these creative clues that make you play with the spelling of words.

Example: Where to find hero, a moderate (6-2-3-4)

Answer: MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, since HERO+A is the middle of 'tHE ROAd'.

Try these:

1. HT 23099: What you need to spell BAD? Given up? (9) A_______D

2. HT 23102: What changes come to me? Nothing manageable (2,3,2) N_ ___ _O

3. [from the Times]: Impossible to express in a four-letter word? (9) I_______E

4. Guardian 25398 (Brendan): Lacking parts for me? Never again! (2,4) __ __R_

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  1. 1. A, B AND ONE D

    Thanks shuchi, keep up the good work, we miss you in COW

  2. Thanks for the entertaining theme!
    Here's my attempt:
    What you need to spell BAD? Given up? (9) A_______D
    (AB and one D)

    What changes come to me? Nothing manageable (2,3,2) N_ ___ _O
    (No C and O)

    Lacking parts for me? Never again! (2,4) __ __R_
    (No M or E)

  3. What you need to spell BAD? Given up? (9) ABANDONED (A 'B' and ONE 'D')

    What changes come to me? Nothing manageable (2,3,2) NO CAN DO (NO 'C' AND 'O')

    Impossible to express in a four-letter word? (9) [still working on it]

    Lacking parts for me? Never again! (2,4) NO MORE (NO 'M' OR 'E')

  4. No answers for #3 yet so I'm giving out another couple of letters:

    Impossible to express in a four-letter word? (9) I_E____LE

  5. Thanks dram. I miss COW too - can't seem to access the site, my overzealous antivirus flags it as "malicious" for some reason :(

    Good answers everyone. I'll hold on to #3 for another day. Hint: The definition is "impossible to express".

  6. Impossible to express in a four-letter word? (9)
    I am not sure about the wordplay but my guess is
    (In F... able - where F... stands for an expletive)

  7. That one was impregnable and inconceivable, but definitely not unbearable ;-)
