Friday, 16 December 2011

Clues for Austenians

Jane Austen "One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other", says the eponymous heroine of Jane Austen's Emma, summing up the defence of all crossword nuts when questioned by their well-meaning, non-crossword friends.

Jane Austen was born on this day, the 16th of December, in 1775, and remains one of the most popular authors ever. Her dazzling wit and social commentary delight us today as much as they did 200 years ago.

As a birthday tribute, a selection of clues from cryptic crosswords that refer to Jane Austen or her works. Especially for Jane Austen admirers.

1. Times 25009: Mansfield Park without its heroine would be very funny (9) P_______S

2. Guardian 25067 (Araucaria): Lady Catherine's place in gross mistreatment (7) R_____

3. Times 23982: Novel speciality of fellow explorer (9,4) ___S_____ __R_

4. Guardian 24391 (Araucaria): Elizabeth's boy catcher (6) B_____

5. Guardian 24344 (Rufus): Complaint of aunt finally in Austen novel (7) T______ /* Hint: No Austen knowledge required. */

6. Times 24539: Emma’s man speaking regularly (7) K________

7. Times 23923: See my girl injured here - Louisa? (4,5) L___ R____/* Hint: Recall Persuasion. */

8. Times 24873: Staff, keeping discipline, set off for work (9,4) ____F____ _A__

9. Times 23771: Emotion at centre of Austen novel? (5) __G__

10. Guardian 24674 (Araucaria): Clue (not the first) about little bag for slippery creature who became Mrs Ferrars (4,6) L___ _____E

An older post devoted to Emma: Setters' Favourite Book?

Related Posts:

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  1. Thanks for the post.
    1. Times 25009: Mansfield Park without its heroine would be very funny (9) PRICELESS

    The heroine of Mansfield Park is Fanny Price.

    2. Guardian 25067 (Araucaria): Lady Catherine's place in gross mistreatment (7) ROSINGS anagram of "in gross"

    3. Times 23982: Novel speciality of fellow explorer (9,4) Has to be MANSFIELD PARK. But how?

    4. Guardian 24391 (Araucaria): Elizabeth's boy catcher (6) BEN NET

    6. Times 24539: Emma’s man speaking regularly (7) KNIGHTLEY homophone of "nightly".

    8. Times 24873: Staff, keeping discipline, set off for work (9,4) MANSFIELD PARK

    MAN = staff, FIELD = discipline, SPARK = set off.

  2. 1.Mansfield Park without its heroine // would be very funny (9) PRICE/LESS Fanny PRICE is the heroine of Mansfield Park; without - LESS
    2. Lady Catherine's place in gross mistreatment (7) ROSINGS* (in gross)*
    3.Novel // speciality of fellow / explorer (9,4) (MAN'S/FIELD) (PARK) speciality of fellow - MAN'S FIELD; explorer - Mungo PARK
    4. Elizabeth's boy catcher (6) (BEN)(NET)
    5. Complaint // of aunt finally / in Austen novel (7) TE(T)ANUS* aunT in (AUSTEN*); novel - AnagrInd
    6. Emma’s man speaking // regularly (7) NIGHTLY ~ Knightley
    7. See my girl injured here - Louisa? (4,5) LYME REGIS* (see my girl)*
    8. Staff, keeping discipline, set off for work (9,4) {MAN}{S(FIELD) PARK}
    9. Emotion at centre of Austen novel? (5) [-north]ANGER [-abbey]
    10. Clue (not the first) about little bag for slippery creature who became Mrs Ferrars (4,6) {[-c]LU(CY ST)(EEL)E}

  3. Nice work, Vasu and Venkatesh.
