Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Clue Challenge: Annotate These Answers IV

annotate-clues Latest edition of clues that I found hard to parse despite being given the answer. You're invited to wrap your grey cells around them. How many of these clues can you annotate?

Visit our past clue annotation challenges: I, II and III.

Update (16th March 2012): Annotations added.

1. Times 25026: Men organised to run in short jacket  (5) TUNIC
Annotation: TU (men organised i.e. trade union) NIC[k] (run in i.e. arrest, short); definition: jacket.

2. Sunday Times 4467 (Dean Mayer): Committee representing everything in London? (7,5) WORKING PARTY
Annotation:  everything in lONDOn = ON (working) DO (party); definition: committee.

3. Guardian 25466 (Araucaria): Study in group for preference with absolutely endless entry (Collins) (5,3,6,6) BREAD AND BUTTER LETTER
Annotation:  READ (study) in BAND (group), BETTER (for preference) around UTTERL[y] (absolutely, endless); definition: Collins. See this link for the origin of the synonym. A bit obscure perhaps but an interesting bit of trivia to pick up, especially for Austen fans.

4. Times 25048:  In second wrongful act, stole powered vessel  (9) MOTORBOAT
Annotation:  BOA (stole) in MO (second) TORT (wrongful act); definition: powered vessel.

5. Guardian 25559 (Paul): "Numbers" originally called "number" in error, raised (9) NINETEENS
Annotation:  NEE (originally called) TEN (number), in SIN (error), all reversed; definition: numbers.

6. FT 13918 (Redshank): With eg Imran, he could be the leading runmaker (9) TENDULKAR
Annotation: (TENDULKAR + eg Imran he)* = the leading runmaker [composite anagram]; definition: the entire clue. Great to explain a clue about 'the leading runmaker' on the day he scored his 100th century.

7. FT 13942 (Alberich): End of semester? (8) TERMINUS
Annotation: End = terminus, and semester = "term" in US; cryptic double-definition.

8. Independent 7892 (Anax): Is article carried by mum on tea cloth? (7,7) CHAMOIS LEATHER
Annotation: ISLE (is) A (article) in MOTHER (mum), on i.e. after CHA (tea); definition: cloth.

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  1. First pass:

    1. Times 25026: Men organised to run in short jacket (5) TUNIC
    Men organised = TU, but can't see beyond that.
    Looks like NIC(-?) is tail deletion (as indicated by "in short") but can't figure what that word would be meaning "to run"

    2. Sunday Times 4467 (Dean Mayer): Committee representing everything in London? (7,5) WORKING PARTY

    3. Guardian 25466 (Araucaria): Study in group for preference with absolutely endless entry (Collins) (5,3,6,6) BREAD AND BUTTER LETTER

    4. Times 25048: In second wrongful act, stole powered vessel (9) MOTORBOAT MO + TOR(BOA)T
    Second = MO
    wrongful act = TORT
    stole = BOA

    5. Guardian 25559 (Paul): "Numbers" originally called "number" in error, raised (9) NINETEENS NI(NET EEN)S <-
    originally called = NEE
    number = TEN
    error = SIN

    6. FT 13918 (Redshank): With eg Imran, he could be the leading runmaker (9) TENDULKAR
    Reverse anagram
    eg Imran he + tendulkar = the leading runmaker

    7. FT 13942 (Alberich): End of semester? (8) Double def with the second one TERM in US as in academics

    8. Independent 7892 (Anax): Is article carried by mum on tea cloth? (7,7) CHAMOIS LEATHER CHA + MO (ISLE A)THER
    Is = Isle
    Article = A
    mum = Mother
    tea = Cha

  2. I think there's a typo in the first line of your post.

  3. Could do only three so far

    5) Number = Ten; Originally called = Nee; in error = Sin

    S (NEE)(TEN) IN <--


    7. TERM IN US = Semester (not sure, sounds weak)

    8. CHA = tea, MOTHER = Mum, A LE = article


    Will try the others tomorrow.

  4. I am virtually the beginner of the beginners, so I don't exactly how to type the annotation. Still had a go at it!Your blog has helped me a lot.

    6. With ig Imran, he could be the leading runmaker(9)- Tendulkar
    The leading runmaker can also be the definition.

  5. Well done so far. Especially sreelakshmi - for a beginner to get one of these is impressive.

    Holding on to your answers a day more...

    No attempts yet for clues 2 and 3. Try again with these hints?

    2. The two words in the answer, if you saw them in a clue, might be defined as ? and ?.

    3. The definition is not a well-known term but I loved getting to know about its etymology. More here: Bread and butter letter.

  6. Thank you so much Shuchi! I've been racking my brains from morning, still haven't got the others! :-(

  7. @Shuchi, hints like that do help :)

    1. 1. Times 25026: Men organised to run in short jacket (5) TUNIC TU + NIC(-k)

    2. Sunday Times 4467 (Dean Mayer): Committee representing everything in London? (7,5) WORKING PARTY

    (l-)ON DO (-n)

    on = working
    do = party

  8. 1. (TUNI*)C. Men = UNIT anagrammed. C short for contest (to run)

    2. Sunday Times 4467 (Dean Mayer): Committee representing everything in London? (7,5) WORKING PARTY

    3. Guardian 25466 [B(READ),AND],[B{UTTER,L (-Y)}ETTER]. Study: READ, group: BAND,Preference: BETTER, Absolutely endless: UTTERL(-y)

    4. Times 25048: (MO)[TOR(BOA)T]

    5. Guardian 25559 NI{(NET<-)(EEN<-)}S<-. NEE: Originally called. TEN: Number. SIN: Wrongful act. All raised

    6. FT 13918 (Redshank): With eg Imran, he could be the leading runmaker (9) TENDULKAR

    7. FT 13942 : TER MINUS Remove TER from SEMES TER

    8. Independent 7892 (Anax): Is article carried by mum on tea cloth? (7,7) (CHA){MO(IS, LE)(A)THER}. ISLE: IS: Island. Rest is self explanatory.

    Trying to work out 2 & 6

  9. 2. Sunday Times 4467 :WORKING PARTY. Everything in London: LON DON. ON: WORKING, DO: PARTY.

  10. Shuchi,I don't know if it right, but just a try. :-D
    2. Study in group for preference with absolutely endless entry(5,3,6,6)- BREAD AND BUTTER LETTER
    Entry= definition
    Study in group= B(READ)AND
    Preference= BETTER
    with absolutely endless= UTTERL-y

  11. 1. Men organised TU (for Trade Union)
    to run in short NIC[-k]
    Defn: jacket (TU)(NIC[-k]

    2. everything in London? [-L]ONDO[-n]
    ON/DO can be represented as ON=Working; Do=Party
    Defn: Committe (WORKING) (PARTY)

    3. Study READ
    in group BAND
    for preference BETTER
    with absolutely endless UTTERL[-y]
    Defn: entry (Collins) {B(READ),AND},{B(UTTER,L[-Y])ETTER}
    [ref: Pride & Prejudice Rev Collin's letter to Mr Bennet]

    4. stole BOA
    second MO
    wrongful act TORT
    Defn: powered vessel MO/TOR(BOA)T

    5. originally called NEE
    "number" TEN
    error SIN
    raised Reversal Indicator (<-)
    Defn: "Numbers" {NI(NET)(EEN)S} <-

    6. With eg Imran, he could be the leading runmaker (9) TENDULKAR
    This is a Reverse Anagram

    7. End of semester? (8) (TERM)(IN)(US)
    This is a Double Definition (double & cryptic)
    1) End = Terminus; 2) semester = end of term in US

    8. Is - ISLE
    article - A
    carried by
    mum - MOTHER
    tea - CHA
    Defn: cloth? {CHA}{MO(IS,LE)(A)THER}

  12. Double Definition (d&c):
    1) End = Terminus; 2) semester = term in US (is called Semester)

  13. Nice work Bhavan, sirpy, sreelakshmi, raghunath, Nadathur.

    Annotations are now updated in the main post, check the ones you missed :)

    Re: clue 6, the usual name for this clue type is composite anagram, which is different from a reverse anagram.

  14. Totally forgot about the other two kinds of anagrams, though you had covered these sometime back.

  15. Hi Suchi,
    First of all thanks for a very interesting and informative blog for xwords.
    i am not able to figure out how the 6th clue is arrived at. can you please explain me that.
    Thank you.

  16. Thanks Lakshmi.

    Read #6 this way:

    The answer, when jumbled together with the letters 'EG IMRAN HE', gives 'THE LEADING RUNMAKER'.
    So you work out the answer as (THELEADINGRUNMAKER - EGIMRANHE)* = TENDULKAR.

    "could be" is the anagram indicator.

    This kind of anagram is called a 'composite anagram' and it's rare since it's hard to solve.
    See the link to composite anagrams for more details and examples.

  17. I posted a comment previously. I think you have not received it.
    Anyhow Thanks a lot for explaining me in detail.
    Before i used to give up easily if I don't understand the clue. Now after reading your blog I spend some time and try to solve it.
